
This page is a translated version of the page 2023:Scholarship outcomes and the translation is 80% complete.



区域 申请数 百分比
非洲,下沙哈拉 490 40.53%
中亚 55 4.55%
中欧和东欧 78 6.45%
东亚、东南亚和太平洋 150 12.41%
中东和北非 82 6.78%
北美 51 4.22%
南美 68 5.62%
印度次大陆 144 11.91%
西欧 91 7.53%
合计 1209



区域 奖助金获得者 志愿工时 书面报告
非洲,下沙哈拉 38
中亚 8
中欧和东欧 17
东亚、东南亚和太平洋 53
西欧 18
中东和北非 16
北美 12
南美 15
印度次大陆 20
Total 197


AdjoEsse Danbarrameda Iwuala Lucy Malikxan Pellagia WikiTatik
Agbalagba Dasilvad iyumu Maor X Pepe piton Wojciech Pędzich
Aimeabibis Diahasy Jagseer S Sidhu Mardetanha pgallert Yamen
AKibombo Diamantino Jaluj Marifer Veloz Pigsonthewing Youngjin
Akouete Diegodlh janbery Marinna ProtoplasmaKid Yug
Alphama Discott JasDoIt MassiveEartha Rachidourkia Zabe
Ambrosia10 DomenikaBo Jayprakash12345 Maulaninaskah Raflinoer32 Zapipedia
Ameisenigel Dreamy Jazz Jeromi Mikhael Meghdhanu Renvoy ZKang123
Anggabuana DrThneed Jjurieee Mehman RockyMasum Рөстәм Нурыев
Angie Cervellera Dungodung Jnanaranjan_sahu Mmaua1 Ruby D-Brown عرين أسد أبو رمان
ANKAN effeietsanders Johnstad Di Maria Moheen RXerself ولاء
Anthere Ehrlich91 Jon Kolbert Muhammed amine benloulou Sandiooses 1233
Arcuscloud Einebillion Joris Darlington Quarshie Mwintirew sandister
Ardzun EKokou Joy Agyepong Nada kareem22 Señoritaleona
Aristidek5maya Em-mustapha joycewikiwiki Nadzik Sivakosaran
Armenmir EmpAhmadK K2suvi Nassima Chahboun Sofiemama
ArnoBOUJIKA Falilou224 Kaizenify Nataev Sohom_data
Astromessier Fatima Kanzcech Nataeva Soylacarli
Avicenno Felisberto Kateregga1 NatasaNedanoska Sunshine Fionah Komusana
B20180 Fernando Archuby Khadija Naval Scene Suyash.dwivedi
Bajinra Filipinayzd Kingoflettuce Ndahiro derrick Tbm
Beat Estermann GhoziSeptiandri kiraface Netha Hussain Techwizzie
Bencemac Giantflightlessbirds Kiril Simeonovski NHC TheAafi
Bijay Chaurasia Gikü Kitanago Nilamkarn Tiven2240
Bodhisattwa gopavasanth Kowhaiarewhana Nitesh Gill Tochiprecious
BugWarp Gunarta Kunokuno Nnadigoodluck Tofeiku
Buszmail HakanIST Kurmanbek Novem Linguae Toghrul R
Ceslause Jaqi-aru Lajmmoore Oby Ezeilo Trainholic
Chinmayee Mishra Alli_Khalil Laliv g ola.mahadi Tulsi
Chipmunkdavis Ib Leonfd1992 Olaniyan Olushola txolo
Chlod Ilham Mufti Laksono LeTechnoLucide Omorodion1 VIGNERON
Chocmilk03 Ilham.nurwansah LuisCG11 ovedc Volstand
Chongkian Islahaddow Lunita28mx Pakoire Waldyrious


Scholarship privileges

A participant awarded with a Wikimania scholarship is entitled to:

  • Round trip plane ticket from their country of origin to Singapore
  • A hotel stay (within August 14 to 20, 2023) either from
    • Village Hotel Bugis
    • PARKROYAL on Beach Road
  • Paid event registration ticket along with the delegate's souvenir pack that contain a paper fan, tote bag, water tumbler and complementary gifts from the Singapore Tourism Board
  • Cash Stipend through Singapore NETS Card that can be used to pay public transportation, dining establishments, souvenir shops




  • 如果不是維基百科則 +1
  • 沒有答案則 -1

  • 沒有答案則 -1

  • 沒有答案則 -1
  • 分數從0到3,0則是基本答案,而3則反應社群狀況



  • 分數尺度從1到5,以
    • 1與2分則是沒有太多資訊的回答
    • 少於2年經驗的新編輯,但在社群活躍,至少要給3分
    • 有相當好的洞察能力則是4到5分,如果又很活躍則會加分
  • 如果沒有回答則是-1
  • 如果回答有包括支持申請者說法的連結則+1
  • 如果審核者看到可以幫助大會特別的,獨特的特點,或是需要出席的必要,則可以斟酌狀況加分,最多加+2 - 請謹慎考慮
  • 如果審核者對申請者的過去有疑慮,違規慣犯,在Wiki上與其他人互動不佳,或其他考量,則可以最多減 -2 分

=====與我們分享你最近在你的維基或更廣泛的維基媒體運動中的貢獻。為了你所屬的維基或社群的進步,你建造了什麼或做了哪些貢獻?你是否有帶領或組織任何活動?以成果而言,哪一個活動對你個人來說特別重要?在這些活動中,請特別指出在過去12個月內發生的。 記得將活動的相關連結、計分板與報告等附上。=====

  • 過去 12 個月有傑出的推廣成果則額外 +2 分
  • 支援推廣或是擔任競賽評審則額外 +1 分
  • 撰寫有關活動的報告則額外 +1 分
The ESEAP community chose the theme of Diversity, Collaboration, Future for Wikimania 2023. What does this mean to you? What do you think about when presented with this theme, and how will it impact your attendance at Wikimania?
  • +1 bonus point if they are looking to make connections to establish a project like a Wiki Loves after the event, or create an affiliate
  • +2 bonus points if they present a verifiable plan of what they will be doing after the event, i.e. a local meetup to present what they learnt or session they want to share from Wikimania