This page is a translated version of the page 2023:Ideas and the translation is 80% complete.







  • 以新加坡人使用的四種語言進行維基百科編輯教學 - 英語、馬來語、中文、坦米爾語。
  • 維基共享資源攝影展覽
  • 使用海報牆來對新手解釋維基百科 - 像是維基百科空間(:en:WP:WPSPACE)。請見圖片。
    • "+1 有語言選擇的海報牆,我們能夠用QR code連結到海報摘要的翻譯版本。"
  • 擁有足夠的樓層空間,我們能夠創造有特定維基百科/維基媒體計畫的自拍工作室或是自拍博物館,熱衷Instagram自拍的人能夠創建自己的社群貼文。能夠吸引大眾與進行草根分享維基百科內容的點子有:
    • 像是我們2007年曾在台灣弄的大的拼圖地球
    • 滿滿有維基百科拼圖球的球池 (不過,COVID的健康指南可能會不允許)
    • 維基百科生態系當中重現現實存在的英文維基百科與以維基媒體共享資源的社群入口,社群成員照相記錄。其他點子:冷飲站、法式小酒館 (Le Bistro, fr.wp)、咖啡 (es.wp)、希臘小酒館 (Taverna, ca.wp)、啤酒屋/油脂坑(Beer parlour/Grease pit, en.wt)
    • 以多語言型式的舉牌呈現維基媒體有名的句子,像是:來源請求,勇於修改,中立觀點等。
    • 奇怪的維基百科事務的舉牌:需要鯨類動物(帶有毛絨逆戟鯨)
    • 有絨毛玩具的可愛協會專區?
  • 新加坡植物園的維基人的踏查旅程,之後會有室內議程能夠直接上傳照片,然後用到Wikidata與不同語言的維基百科,每個人都能嘗試為共享資源種植照片,我們也能聯繫新加坡業餘的攝影師,鼓勵他們參與,教他們怎麼上傳照到共享資源。拍攝植物並沒有版權問題的!植物園也許有志工團有興趣參與,我如果去的話很樂意帶團。 —Giantflightlessbirds (talk) 22:47, 26 February 2023 (UTC)


  • 海報展示應該是大會相當重要的一部分-這是有效展示不同專案成果的成功方式,而且還可以加上社交設定 (通常是雞尾酒小時或是社交時間)。也可以允許非英語講者用更具有支援性的方式展示專案成果,而且也能用一對一方式交流。海報展示者可以用個人身份投稿,或是他們可以用組織身份投稿。
    • 我們會提供海報所需要的簡單易用的模板,像是用Google繪圖。

  • 健康醫療議程軌會類似瑞典蒙特婁義大利南非的方式
  • 什麼是中立觀點呢?中立觀點是維基媒體的中心主旨,不過關於這個概念的意思分歧。這是維基人、哲學家、倡議者與科學家能夠好好討論的主題。我們可以花一整個早上時間,用主題演講、討論與專門演講來討論。

博覽會 / 社区村


  • 每個專案所專注的領域
    • 社群可以展示成果或是討論議題
    • 個別貢獻者能夠用閃電講方式介紹在地專案,例如維基媒體印尼可以介紹在孵育場當中的試驗維基站,或是印尼的維基文庫專案。
    • 維基共享資源工作坊則能介紹如何拍照,編輯,上傳圖片,或是使用共享資源App
    • 維基女性 - 分享如何增進內容
    • 非洲會議 - 解釋如何成為附屬組織,也推廣附屬組織概念
  • 有關維基愛地球、維基愛古蹟或其他全球專案的空間


  • 試著為不同年齡的群體組織議程 - 我們能如何舉辦一個,同時兼具趣味性與參與性,且面向於青年的活動議程呢?
    • "例如 - 新加坡作家節2022有不同的對像 - 小朋友(例如新加坡作家節遊樂場)、青年(年輕)、文學先驅、國家推薦等"
  • Try including some kind of side events to commemorate International Youth Day since this coincides with the Conference in the same month and time (12th August). For example WikiVibrance had a session in this year's Wikimania to celebrate International Youth Day 2022 and showcased youth diversity in the movement. Maybe a tale or show space to spotlight innovative wikimedia projects led/co-led or implemented by young wikimedians from diverse communities particularly those not known beyond some communities but meaningful to the growth of such communities.


Some articles or areas for improvement related to Singapore could benefit from attention for Wikimania.

  • Robotics in Singapore could be a great one, as it is the number two user of robots globally behind South Korea. They are perhaps more high profiled because of Singapore's smaller size and for it being used for subway cleaning, coffee making, library tasks, etc. News article. WorldRobotics2020 Robot Report
  • Terminology and phenomenon unique to Singapore. The foodie culture would be good, and the culture of "choping" or marking a held seat with a tissue pack at restaurants. Maybe good for video making.
  • Organize a visit to the National Museum of Singapore and examine possibilities for content creation, GLAM projects, and examine implicit and explicit forms of colonialism, bias, domination and power.
  • It's 500 years since the first world circumnavigation, an event that touched (in very different ways) Europe, South America and Sout-East Asia. We could organize an edit-a-thon about this topic, taking care of different views on the event itself. There can be a collaboration with interested user groups to organize this.


  • Hackathon - make these more inclusive by embracing data science, video production, or other "making" activities. Datathons, Video challenges, Documentation, etc.
    • Social media/marketing challenge? Bring in social media influencers or makers to challenge them to make social media content around Wikimedia content such as Depths of Wikipedia.
  • "We could also try visual facilitation for a change. Moving away from text heavy, PowerPoint heavy, towards more visually appealing and succinct conference content."
  • "Would it also be possible to feature South East Asia languages and Indian languages all together? Since we’re in the region..."
  • Wikimania mobile app that contains program/speaker details, participant list, chat function with participants, venue map and other useful information. Netha Hussain (talk) 13:20, 14 October 2022 (UTC)


  • Wikimania Awards (for contributions to knowledge and the projects, pre-event photo walks, &c)
  • Photo scav hunt: including y'allfies with portable photo frames that you have to use to frame a group with a combination of properties
  • Physical scav hunt across the campus / city
    • 自然景觀攝影
    • 都市景觀攝影 (不用擔心,新加坡能自由拍攝全景照)
  • "集點卡"類型系統,大會參與者完成一個段落能得到戳章 (只有那些想要參與的段落),而完成特定模式或是全部的人能得到獎勵,也許先達成100個。


  • 食物
    • 由新加坡社群媒體達人帶美食之旅
    • 素食爬爬走
  • 炸雞
    • Jollibee 嘗鮮來讓大家知道菲律賓的第一大速食品牌
    • 炸雞品牌展示/嘗鮮 - Arnold's Fried Chicken (新加坡),Kenny Rogers Roasters(馬來西亞),Jollibee (菲律賓)等等。
  • 維基媒體可愛組織成員當中的絨毛玩具展示空間。 Netha Hussain (talk) 13:21, 14 October 2022 (UTC)
  • 破冰房間的目的是建構不同文化與語言的溝通管道,即便是跨維基合作也能從破冰房開始。 -Kurmanbek (talk) 17:54, 14 October 2022 (UTC)
  • 透過平台以及一些建立在中間可通話的低噪音裝置,建立線上參與者某種可能的溝通管道。在2022年德國史特拉頌舉行的WikiCON,採用venueless來進行,施行的程度的未知,但我很想要這種可能性。 --Hogü-456 (talk) 16:26, 22 October 2022 (UTC)



  • 網際網路檔案館 - 總是我們堅實的伙伴,要找出有意義的參與方式?
  • 開放街圖(OpenSteetMap) - 2023年不會舉行大型的State of the Map大會(2022年10月已經宣佈),所以也許可以邀請他們做什麼?他們與維基媒體義大利組織相當親近。
  • 創用CC - 教育大眾有關授權條款?不只是CC而是整個維基世界都靠它,像是在Youtube上用創用CC授權釋出等等。


  • 提供志工參與證明
    • 在ICT房間工作來確保簡報順利進行
    • 活動的文件記錄
    • 在社群媒體平台以及使用者群組吵熱Wikimania的熱度
    • 歡迎實體參與者,並且為參與者指引不同活動場地的方向
    • 為海報展示者設立海報與相關服務。 -Ngostary2k (talk) 00:42, 15 October


  • 提供想要一起協同與一同旅行的參與者共乘計畫系統
    • 理想上應該在訂定旅行計畫,但之後也可以
    • 理想上只需要維基媒體的用戶帳號,但也許需要更多選填資訊
    • 理想上利用機會分享資訊、靈感、技能的時段,但也可以與其他人交際
  • 提供參與者彈性的共宿/住附近計畫系統
    • 理想上為參與者分擔費用以及分享興趣
    • 理想上為有限英語理解程度的參與者,以及需要其他人協助的參與者


有人建議我在Facebook Wikipedia Weekly有關維基媒體年會的意見移動到這邊。我想,藉由這次機會來找出讓在线體驗更好,來繼續維基媒體運動的創意與創新。這也可能用更強列的國際影響力,也是二十年來維基媒體運動中的文化與語言平等的領先倡議。為何不展示,例如說,學界與醫界能夠展示更好的線上大會?

這是我在Facebook Wikipedia Weekly稍加修改與擴寫的意見:

There are also ways of making video the interpersonal factor more rewarding and dynamic. Eye contact is very important in video conferencing (specifically, making and breaking eye contact, we've known since the results of 2018 research). So guidelines for setting up your Zoom would be great: level with camera, pretty close to it so your portrait fills the screen, and as good a connectivity as possible. A good thing about Zoom is that people's names are displayed, and it can be set up so they can text to each other and to all, as they wish, through the chatbot.
I know it's fiddly and hard work, but could bookings be made with the help of local chapters at a place like a central library internet room, in a few countries where connectivity is not always good. I'm thinking of a cities in Africa, for example, and the Subcontinent (Nepal, for example). We need to make participation easier for WMians in the developing world!
It could be achieved by volunteers who are good with people in a cross-linguistic environment; and probably an overall manager responsible to the Wikimania organisers.

Regrettably my volunteer load is already so great that I can't be involved directly. My ideas owe a lot to Dr Richard Parncutt, a friend who is an academic at Graz University in Austria and has organised pilots of conferences that aim to do the online stuff really well.)

Tony1 (talk) 11:08, 1 December 2022 (UTC)

Additional checklists to improve GDPR, inclusion, data protection, copyright, online anonymity; and avoid user tracking, fix digital barriers, etc.: