This page is a translated version of the page 2022:Help desk and the translation is 61% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Kumb: Fo san baod sõngre diki kẽng ni Pheedloop:

Diki kẽng sõkre bũud fãa ni yɛla,bõs ti fo tõk ni

Yilm n sõk sokre (FAQ)

Diki kẽng kibare yaoolem bɩɩ paala bõs ti fo kẽ HOME PAGE ni tʋʋma

Tʋʋma n be pemsema-zugu

Wikimania 2022 ya Tigri tʋʋma! Wãn la tʋʋma yɛl wẽnda la bõe la tond get n boada?

Ziiga tigdba tʋma ni yɛl wʋsgo diki kẽng ni co-design sessins.Tʋʋma bãngre yɛl-wʋsgo da wã ni a yʋʋra yãkre ti tigra tʋʋma yɛl paam yãkre wʋsgo.Tom da baooda deem wʋsgo n na tõog paam tond diki sõr ning wã.A yɛla nan zõ diki kẽng watba paal pusgo,dila tond nan maana ziiga ti ya deem,tõkre la zãmsgo ni komind ramba.

Boi n nan maane ni 'ziis'? a taaba

Tigra tʋʋma yɛl pʋɩ zĩisi diki kẽng (yɛla tike, tʋʋma neng zẽna,ned bɩɩ neb sula,tɛɛru ni tʋʋm tɛɛru.

Wã la zĩisa goam diki kẽng a poibo

Puug roogo 1, 2 ni 3:

wã ya tʋʋm n tõkre ni neb tʋʋm wikimania tigmgo nõ-kẽngde la (zĩise, sul tʋʋma, tigmgo, la sul nõ-kendre soya). Tond nan yɛla-tik,yɛla-saabo,kũdẽmni,deem la kũdẽmni n yi vɩʋʋgo,segre la pusgo, la yɛl neeba,sakse tʋʋma n nan wilg tʋʋm a taaba (individuals and affiliates by region)

Tõkr-pemsem zĩiga

Kada tara pemsem zugu vɩʋʋtu ziig ning watba n nan bãng taab la b seg Wikimedians taaba.Hackahton nan maana pemsem tõkre zĩiga diki kẽng wakat,a daare a 2 la daare a 3.

Wãn la nan gʋls n yʋʋre?

Fo nan toogi gulsi ka

Fo toe gʋlsa fo yʋʋre a Tɛne 25th July la ned m baod toe gʋlsa mi ti daara nan ka sɩng,diki kẽng ni tʋʋma yɛl sãabo.

Wãn lan nan tek n yʋʋre yiib Pheedloop zugu

Fo n kẽ ni yʋʋre ninga wã nan gʋlse m be Pheedloop zugu diki kẽng tʋʋma wakata.Fo sãn baod n nan teka,m bõs ti fo kõ email ni, ni yʋʋre ning fo sẽn baooda ti tond manega n ning fo.

Wãn la wakat bug la Hackathon nan sɩng yʋmd kada?

Wikimania Hackathon pind n tara zii neere ni a tʋʋma yɛla,n tak a wakata ni dahama a 2 diki kẽng daare a 2 la daare 3 ni wikimania,diki kẽng 16:00-22:00 UTC ni daare 2 la 12:00-17:00 UTC ni daare a 3.

Zĩi bug la yʋm kada tʋʋma yɛl tʋm ni?

Yʋmd kada tond nan tʋma ni Pheedloop platform wã.Diki kẽng Pheedloop sɩngre kibare, please watch this video on Commons

Wãn b yaka Pheedloop platform ti maan ni 2022 wikimania?

Platform kada be ni pemsem zugu tʋʋm la yɛl a taaba wʋsgo,a tara app la tond toe tõka gʋlsga ni platform kada.Fo toe karema yɛl solgre ni tʋʋma gũudm yɛl ka m paase ka.yɛla sãna m maane ni a yãkra ya a maana mi ti fo toe lebg buud goam wusgo tʋmd n wã.A tara yãkr wusgo ni,goamd sõsga ni tʋʋma n gilgira la tʋmdba wʋsgo.A maana mi ti tʋʋma tumda tʋm ni yɛl m be Jitsi (an open source platform) la lebsgo n nan kõ Pheedloop.Fo toe karema yõa wʋsgo diki kẽng kada la yɛl a taaba bilgri ni Boog.

Fo gesa platform m pake yiibu ziiga?

Tom nan gese kibare yiibu ziiga la zalim software platform dila workadventure la tʋʋma meebo yaoodo la a kẽngre n da paam wʋsgo.Platform n wẽnd Jitsi la BigBlueBtton da n zagse ni tʋʋma waolem la n pa sõngre n maane ni bũud zenga goama.Tom pa veese-ra Jitsi tʋʋma ni tʋʋma n nan tʋm ni ned m baod n nan tʋm ni tʋʋma yɛl be.N paasda, leokre n nan yi Jitsi nan toka ni Pheedloop ni watba ti b ges la b wume.

Platform rẽng tʋm ges be mi daya, ti n têng n zãms maan nan tʋma to-to?

Tom nan tara FAQ la tond nan tigma zãmsgo daya, ti tõk ni tʋʋma yɛla.Ges nemsa wikimania wiki zugu diki kẽng daya la wakat ramba.

Bũud goam bug la lebgre sõngre bug n nan be?

Diki kẽng tigmga,goam sõngre nan be ni UN bũud goam a yooba fãa dila:Ãnglinde, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian la Chinese.Diki kẽng saksa daya, goamde n nan toe goam ni saksa fãa n goama mi:Brazilian Portuguese,Indonesian,Japanese,Hindi, Ukranian,Turkish la Swahili.Dina nan ya bũud zenga goam 13 n nan be tʋʋma pugin.

Fo toe tʋma ni lebga

Diki kẽng Pheedloop pugin:

Diki kẽng fo deeg play la fo yãk fo goama video wã pugin.

Diki kẽng fo browser:

Tõ diki kẽng tʋʋma ziig ni a tõkre ya

Tõ diki kẽng tʋʋma ziig ni a tõkre ya

Diki kẽng tʋʋma ziig ni a tõkre ya

Diki kẽng interactio app on Android bɩɩ on iOS diki kẽng code kada m be tẽngra

Diki kẽng tʋʋma m be Tent1,tʋm ni WIKIMANIATENT1 code

Diki kẽng tʋʋma Tent2, tʋm ni WIKIMANIATENT2 code

Diki kẽng tʋʋma Tent3,tʋm ni WIKIMANIATENT3 code

Wãn la wã fãa da tõog n sõs n diglig =

Goama n da yãk da tõo ni neb n goamde goam ning saka pugin, ni neb m baod yɛl ning Kominda pugin, la komind ning m be ni goama n nan goam.

N ya nin paale!wãn lan nan maane m paam n taaba bɩɩ ti m paam bãngre diki kẽng Wikimedians kʋd nẽngin?

Tom nan tara watba paale sõngre ziiga diki kẽng Wikimania ti fo na tõog paam nina sõngre Wikimedia pugin la fo paam n tar bãngre wikimania tom gom Wikimedia sõre-kẽndra-Bãng! neb tara sũr-nõog wʋsgo diki kẽng Wikimedians paale segre,Di yĩnga da maan da bɛm ni neb segre.

Wãn la a wakat ramba yɛla - ned bũud fãa toe paam n kẽem mi? Wãn la tʋʋma nan tʋm?

N tigm neb fãa wakat a yɛ nan yi,dila tond maan ti a nan maana saks pugin,Na yi naana ti fo tõk ni fo sak ramba wikimania zugu.Fo toe karema yɛl wʋsgo diki kẽng wakata yɛl ka:

Wan lan nan maane m bãng tʋʋma tore-tore

Tʋʋma nan yi vɩʋʋgo masmasa! gese diki kẽng Wikimania nenga menga, ziig ning a yɛla fãa n nan yi vɩʋʋgo.

Tʋʋma na bĩngi sãn maan ti sa ti toe gesa?

A tõoda ni tʋʋma.Tʋʋma sãn na ka bĩngra.Tʋmtʋmdba sãn ka maane sunõogo ti fo diki o b goma n bĩng n wa ges.La diki kẽng tʋʋma ziig sãna a nan bĩnga mi ti yɛl pa be.

N pa paam n kẽng Pheedloop tʋʋma ninga.Sore be ti n na tõog n ges tʋm ning n da tʋmaa?

Sɩda.Fo toe gesa tʋʋma ka here ni a slide deck tʋʋma ka here.

Wan la tʋʋma malgre ni n browser?

Any modern browser and high-speed internet connection is all that's really needed to run PheedLoop itself. The best setup we've found is using Google Chrome on a laptop or desktop machine, with an internet connection offering at least 5 Mbps download speed.

N toe tʋma ni Pheedloop wã n mobile zugu?

Yes! You can find the PheedLoop Go app for Android in this link & IOS App in this link. This is recommended for Mobile. Tablet & Mobile Browser are supported but less recommended.

Wãn la pemsem zugu tʋʋma tɩmde ni Pheedloop?

You are able to create (see below) or join a networking space on Pheedloop! Once you have logged into the platform, you can click on the “networking” tab. This will allow you to interact with the people in that networking space. The networking functionality allows you to turn on your video, chat and interact with other people in that same space. Please note that on mobile you will only be able to chat. See this slide deck for more information.

Wãn lan na toe n naane pemsem zugu tʋʋma roogo?

Click on the “networking” tab in Pheedloop. and either; create your own networking group OR you may join an existing networking group. Please note there is a limit of 25 groups at a time. Each group also has a maximum attendance of 25 people at a time. See this slide deck for more information.

N toe sega ni tʋʋma zẽnga? Wã na?

There are many Wikimania events being organized all over the world. Check this link to see the many events taking place. If you would like to attend one in your region, please get in touch with the organizers as soon as you can. The details are shared by the event organizers.

Can I interact with a speaker during their session? How?

If a speaker has an interactive session (i.e. session breakout, panel discussion, game) and the speaker has indicated to have participant interaction, you will be able to participate in the session by unmuting yourself and interacting with the session presenters and the wider audience.

Can I watch sessions after they have taken place?

Yes, you can watch sessions that have already taken place on Pheedloop itself. You may also choose to watch sessions on Youtube. Sessions will be made available 24 hours after the live stream has taken place. Depending on the session, you will be able to find them either here or here.

How do I access live interpretation translations during sessions?

You will be able to toggle quite easily within a session to the languages provided through live interpretation. If you are curious which languages are being offered per session, on any given day, you will be able to see it indicated on the program page.

Will there be closed captioning available for sessions?

Closed captioning will be available in English during sessions. The day after the session has taken place, you will find captions in all languages supported by YouTube’s Artificial Intelligence service for closed captioning.

Session Speakers

Need help setting up your session? Please see the Wikimania 2022 festival technology guide

How will I know if my session submission has been successful?

There is a COT email that we will  be sending to you that confirms your submission. After you receive it, you will be notified through email that your submission is being studied and will communicate with you our reply to confirm if you have been successful. After that you will also receive information and instructions for hosting and delivering your session.

What options are there for presenting? Can I pre record or is everything live?

You can go for live or recorded options.

You can be present in the recorded session for a LIVE segment with the audience as well.  

Since the festival’s main focus is  interactive to connect communities, we encourage you to choose the LIVE option

Will there be a walk through / training session for speakers?

Yes, when the sessions are announced and submissions winners are announced as well there will be a training from the Community Development team with a previously shared agenda.

I’m a little shy as I haven't presented much before - any tips?

It’s totally normal and understandable to feel nervous and shy! Things that can help include being well prepared, doing some practice runs and making sure all your tech equipment is working properly so you don’t need to worry about that side of things. Also be yourself and if you are talking about something you are passionate about and enjoy - that will come through! Also remember that everyone presenting is in the same boat and we hope everyone enjoys the experience of sharing knowledge, so don’t feel too pressured to be perfect!

How will I be able to communicate or chat with the event organizers in the run up and during the event?

Session hosts and presenters will be emailed information about their session and they will be able to write back with any further questions, which we will endeavor to answer. During the event there will be a Telegram chat channel for any real time general and technical questions. We will also have support from our production company as well as online event staff to help make the process smooth on the day.


I submitted an application for an affiliate grant or individual scholarship - when will I know if I have this approved?

The organizing team has given updates on whether the application has been approved. Affiliates have received updates in late June or early July. Individuals have received an update by mid-July.

When will the funds be transferred?

The funds will be transferred from July to late August. Exact timing of the transfer for specific scholarship receivers will depend on how quickly the person or the affiliate will respond to the grants administration team and provide all necessary information for processing the payment.

How will Individual Scholarships be reviewed and awarded?

Once all surveys have successfully been completed and therefore all of the data has been collected, the Core Organizing Team (COT) will jointly determine which people will be eligible as Individual Scholarship Recipients. The COT will give preference to people from Emerging Communities, first time Wikimania participants, and female and non-binary applicants.

When will I receive feedback around my Individual Scholarship Application?

The Individual Scholarship Submission Process ended on 03 June 2022, was extended for a period of approximately one week and then officially closed on 14 June 2022. The COT and the Wikimania Grants and Scholarships Team have reviewed 400+ completed Individual Applications. It's important to note that only 200 Individual Scholarships will be funded.

You can expect to receive a confirmation email from the Wikimania Team, of whether or not your application has been approved, approximately one month prior to Wikimania 2022.

It is significant to highlight that precisely 15 Individual Applications will be processed each week (due to the complexity of processing international transactions), until all selected applicants have successfully received financial support. This means that even after Wikimania 2022 has concluded, Scholarship Applicants that have received confirmation of funding will still receive their Scholarship remitted from the Wikimedia Foundation.

How can I let people know I am running an in person affiliate event? What help is there with promotion?

The Wikimania program will be shared on all platforms, including social media. The COT has a communications team that is happy to support by posting additional information provided about in-person run programs. You can also reach out to the Movement Communications regional specialist for your area, for support.

Ne-neda tigi

Are in person events happening this year too?

Yes, instead of having a big international conference like in the past, we encourage movement groups to organize their local events during Wikimania 2022. Wikimedia affiliates and other movement groups were invited to apply for our grant program to hold their local events. A list of funded applications is available on Meta-Wiki. Please contact your local community for more information. You can see the list of in person events here.

Manege nams ynoore

I have an issue logging in to the platform - who can help?

You can ask for help at the Telegram Help Desk Channel of the Conference. Community Members will help you solve all issues and provide you instructions on how to log in and participate in the Conference. As well, you can contact the Wikimania COT at The Wikimania COT will identify technical problems and try to find proper ways to solve them.

Mam san nyand bumbu kibsa wa daare, n nan maana wana?

Fo nan toog n booli sula wa neba ni Tokr koeega kada [TBD]

I am running a session and now not able to make it or am having issues - how can I let the organizers know?

You can reach out to the Wikimania COT at As a committee, we will find a way to troubleshoot your matters or to pre-record your session before the Conference.

Wikimania: open space

In the period leading up to Wikimania 2022, we will have monthly community "open space" calls, where community members can get all their Wikimania questions and concerns answered.

Our first ever open space happened on Friday, May 20th at 15:00 UTC. Community members could ask questions to the Wikimania 2022 organizers about the submission of a session proposal, applying for a grant or a scholarship, volunteering and general Wikimania doubts, questions and conversations.

Our second open space happened on Friday, June 24th at 18:00 UTC. Community members could ask questions to the Wikimania 2022 organizers about the programming, registration & platform, and general Wikimania doubts, questions and conversations.

Our third open space will happen on Tuesday, August 2nd at 22:00 UTC. Community members can ask questions to the Wikimania 2022 organizers about the programming, registration & platform, and general Wikimania doubts, questions and conversations.

Our fourth open space will happen on Wednesday, August 3rd at 12:00 UTC. Community members can ask questions to the Wikimania 2022 organizers about the programming, registration & platform, and general Wikimania doubts, questions and conversations.

Pak vɩʋʋg tʋʋma:
Dare Wakat (UTC) Sore n nan sok Gʋlsgo Etherpad sore
20 May 2022 15:00 UTC Ãnglinde pugin, la sokra na tõog n be ni Arabic, Spanish, Dutch, Ukranian, Chinese, Cantonese, la Luo. Sore
24 June 2022 18:00 UTC Ãnglinde, la sokra na tõog n be Arabic, Spanish, Dutch Ukranian, Chinese,Cantonese la Luo.
2 August 2022 2 August 2022 Anglindi, fo nan toogi soki Arabic, Spanish, ni Dutch.
3 August 2022 12:00 UTC Ãnglinde, la sokra na tõog n be Arabic, Spanish,Dutch,Ukranian la French.