
Thursday 8/8 12:15-13:15 – 12 people, a few from each group. moving to a smaller room. (ping SJ for details)
Saturday 8/10 12:15-13:15 – open group, follow-up session in Modra

Meetup description


[Saturday: focus on time-bound next steps you want to see, and who should take them. Notes from Thursday on the talk page.]

In the absence of a global conflict resolution body, let's test out a mediated trilogue between members of the three groups represented in the Charter+Council vote. The meetup will be kept small, the size of a breakout. If there is sufficient interest we will break into multiple groups or find a second time.

We are organizing a list of the issues from all sides that would benefit from mediation, and mediators who can facilitate public discussion before, during, and after this meetup.

Topics to discuss: (add other topics / questions / comments here, or on the talk page)

  • Process: Identifying unresolved disputes that need resolution. Discussing what mediation is helpful
  • Charter: Clarifying and resolving remaining concerns; Defining a timeline and process for public editing, garnering indications of support, and another ratification vote
  • Council: Defining parameters for a simple initial global council [a pilot, to make some of these abstract ideas concrete] Aligning plans + budget for future Wikimedia Summits with council plans
  • Budgeting: Estimating budgets (in time, money, people, expertise) for projected global bodies — including planning, funds dissemination, grant review, technical reviews, dispute resolution; also committees, liaisons

Organizers: Sj (talk), facilitation: EIA

Notes: moved to the talk page
