This page is a translated version of the page 2023:Wikimania and the translation is 27% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

16–19 August 2023, Singapore and Online
Diversity. Collaboration. Future.

E fakahoko te fono Vikimania 2023 mai te 'aho 16 ki te 'aho 19 o Aukusito i Sigapolle Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre pea fakahagatonu i te neti.
Ko te 'u fono gaue, fakahaoga tohi mo fakatahi fakatomu'a o te fono e hoko ānai i te 'aho 15 o Aukusito kae hoko te fe'olo'aki mamata i te 'aho 20 o Aukusito.

The theme for the 18th Wikimania edition is Diversity. Collaboration. Future.

  • Diversity. Wikimania will be an opportunity to showcase regional and thematic groups such as ESEAP as examples of inclusion: different volunteer groups, individuals, and affiliates, at different stages of development and from different cultures closely involved and collaborating in an equitable way.
  • Collaboration. As a distributed, global event, Wikimania will be a way to learn from each other and share knowledge like community initiatives, tools usage, organizing events, governance, online campaigns and edit-a-thons, solving Wiki-related problems, and more.
  • Future. Wikimania 2023 will be significant to many Wikimedians as a forum to discuss implementing the 2030 Wikimedia Movement Strategy (#Wikimedia2030), and other current and future priorities facing our movement, from technology to policy around the world.

Ko te Vikimania ko te fono lahi o te atu gaue e tulikaki e te Wikimedia FoundationCommons Wikimedia Commons, MediaWiki MediaWiki, Meta-Wiki Meta-Wiki, Wikibooks Wikibooks, Wikidata Wikidata, Wikinews Wikinews, Wikipedia Wikipedia, Wikiquote Wikiquote, Wikisource Wikisource, Wikispecies Wikispecies, Wikiversity Wikiversity, Wikivoyage Wikivoyage, Wiktionary Wiktionary – pea hoko ai mo te 'u fono tālaga, ako gaue mo talanoa. E lau ki te toko teau ape nātou e gaue noa mo nātou e omai o vaevae 'ilo'ilo, gaue fakatahi mo felogo'i.

Ko te 18 fai'aga aeni o te fono lahi o te atu kau gaue, kautahi mo kāpite o te Vikimetia o Asia Esite mo Saute Esite pea mo te Pasifika (ESEAP).

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Original announcement

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