2022:Submissions/Decolonizing the Internet’s Structured Data: join the conversation!

  • Language: English
  • Status: Live

Speaker(s) edit

Mariana Fossatti (WK?)

Abstract edit


In October 2021, we invited over 40 participants from around the world for the conversation Decolonizing the Internet’s Structured Data, leading up to WikidataCon, jointly organized by Whose Knowledge?, Wiki Movimento Brasil, and Wikimedia Deutschland. The gathering report is available here: https://whoseknowledge.org/resource/dti-structured-data-report/
That was a much needed opportunity to imagine radical possibilities for structured data across regions and areas of study. Many participants voiced their interest in organizing more collective spaces and advancing more concrete steps towards emancipatory practices. In Wikimania 2022 we want to resume the conversation, and make it broader and deeper, together with the Wikimedia community.

Learning Outcomes edit

1. What structured data is, and what it means to build systems around SD that center multiple epistemologies.
2. Acknowledge the power dynamics in the ways we work with SD in Wikimedia projects: whose views, whose agenda, whose ontologies, and whose decisions sustain the classifications we are building.
3. Acknowledge that decolonizing SD is a critical human rights issue, since marginalized communities have little to no access or control over the data that impacts their lives.

Biography edit

Decolonizing Wikimedia coordinator of Whose Knowledge? I'm a feminist and a free/libre culture activist from Uruguay. I have been working in #VisibleWikiWomen, a global campaign to upload women images on Commons, especially black, brown, indigenous, trans women and non-binary individuals.