editToolhub is a community-authored catalog of Wikimedia tools. On Toolhub, you will be able to discover new tools in the Wikimedia ecosystem, promote their use in your wiki community, and help improve them by contributing data.
editThe Toolhub team is conducting three introduction sessions and one feedback session as part of the Wikimania 2021:Unconference on Floor 1:
- Saturday 2021-08-14, 18:00-18:30 UTC (intro session)
- Sunday 2021-08-15, 18:00-18:30 UTC (feedback session). Learn more details on the Toolhub "Quality Signal Sessions" page on metawiki.
- Sunday 2021-08-15, 18:30-19:00 UTC (feedback session). Learn more details on the Toolhub "Quality Signal Sessions" page on metawiki.
edithttps://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/toolhub-wikimania (same etherpad link for all sessions)