2019:Related activities/Culture Crawl/Djurgården

Proposals for the Djurgården afternoon edit-a-thon


Edits can be done in all of the Wikimedia projects! This edit-a-thon is a part of the FindingGLAMs project there we are collecting data, information and media from Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums around the world.

Wikidata Website Map Things to work within the Wikimedia projects
Q1726607 Swedish History Museum OSM The articles in different languages can be filled with more images.
Q49103261 Vrak – museum of wrecks OSM The article about Vrak – Museum of Wrecks is in two languages right now. Can it be translated to some more languages during the Edit-a-thon?
Q10676610 Spritmuseum OSM This articles need more images and can be translated into several languages
Q1632115 Liljevalchs OSM The english article can be longer with more history and images
Q725108 Skansen OSM The edit-a-thon will be held at a building called Baltic Sea Science Center that currently is unknown in the Wikimedia projects. So that could be a suggestion to write an article.